Sunday, November 16, 2008


Since we are leaving Siena tomorrow morning I have been thinking about my time here and what I will miss here's a list.

1. Cioccolatta calda. Italians confuse hot chocolate with the either warm chocolate pudding or a Hersey syrup
2. Ben (my host dad) telling me what of our dinner that night and that I should eat it. And usually its because I am not eating it.

3. The special invites Erika and I get for dinner every night from Guiseppe.

4. The friends I have made and always remember.

5. Our horrible Italian that makes our teacher want to commit suicide.

6. Literally running to catch the bus every morning. *

7. Hanging out in the Irish Pub.

8. Gelato.

9. Tuscany beautiful landscape

10. The Everett Family

11. My Italian Family

*Not the actually event but laughing about it after wards.

Ciao this is my final post from Siena...


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